Project: ’European Academy of Chain Pharmacists’’ – an event organized by the European Federation of Pharmacy Chains (EFPC) on 7-8 June 2022 in Prague, attended by 35 colleagues pharmacists from 6 European countries, including  pharmacists from ADRFR member companies.

La începutul lunii iunie a avut loc lansarea celui mai recent proiect al European Federation of Pharmacy Chains (EFPC). Denumit ”European Academy of Chain Pharmacists”, acesta a reunit farmaciști din 6 state state europene membre ale EFPC în cadrul unor dezbateri legate de evoluții de actualitate și provocări specifice întâmpinate în cadadrul acestui sector.

Farmaciștii prezenți și-au familiarizat colegii străini cu legislația și normele din țara lor, cu mecanismele de eliberare și distribuire a medicamentelor, ca și cu serviciile pe care le oferă pacienților. În acest fel participanții participanți la prima ediție a ”European Academy of Chain Pharmacists” au putut afla elemente concrete și detalii relevante despre modul speficic de derulare a activității farmaciștilor din Cehia, Polonia, România, Serbia, Slovacia și Ungaria.

Farmaciștii din România inivitați la ”European Academy Chain of Pharmacists” au subliniat în această ocazie dificultățile întâmpinate în contextul unor marje extrem de mici ale sectorului, ca și problema din ce în ce mai acută de lipsă de resursă umană calificată, în condițiile reducerii numărului noilor absolvenți de farmacie și, în general, al farmaciștilor activi.

Project: “Pharmaceutical services in Romania. Post-pandemic realities and challenges ”, conducted by the Center for Research in Applied Behavioral Economics (CCECA) within the University of Bucharest for the Association of Pharmaceutical Distributors and Retailers in Romania (ADRFR) and the Romanian College of Pharmacists (CFR).


Project: Solidarity Pact to ensure the necessary technical conditions for the facilitation of access to the anti-COVID-19 vaccine for Romanian patients

The members of the Association for Pharmaceutical Distributors and Retailers in Romania (A.D.R.F.R.) signed Solidarity Pact to ensure the necessary technical conditions for the facilitation of access to the anti-COVID-19 vaccine for Romanian patients to support the authorities in the implementation of the strategy and the action plan concerning the vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The Association took the decision to sign this pact after taking into consideration the COVID-19 pandemic which is a serious threat to public health and safety that requires a joint effort by state institutions and the business community to combat the pandemic or, at least, to diminish the negative effects on both human health and economies.

Given the A.D.R.F.R. members’ expertise in distribution and medicines wholesales retail in Romania, they show their willingness to support the authorities in the implementation of the national strategy and the national action plan for ensuring the access of the population to the vaccine.

„Salutăm demersul de realizare a unei Strategii Naționale de Vaccinare și apreciem rolul strategic asumat de către Administrația Prezidențială în dezvoltarea unui mecanism de implementare care să coalizeze toți actorii relevanți. În acest context, considerăm că sectorul de distribuție și retail farmaceutic reprezintă o verigă importantă a sistemului de sănătate din România și trebuie să fie parte integrantă din infrastructura rețelei de vaccinare avută în vedere în cadrul strategiei naționale. Tocmai de aceea, pentru a veni în întâmpinarea acestui demers, am decis semnarea unui Pact de solidaritate care ne va permite să realizăm acțiuni de sprijin sub tutela și directa organizare și supraveghere a autorităților competente, fără a implica vreo acțiune concertată de aliniere între membrii A.D.R.F.R.”, Iulian Trandafir, Președintele A.D.R.F.R

The project: The International Pharmacy Conference “PHARMACY CARE – BEYOND THE PANDEMIC”, organized by E.F.P.C., with the local help of A.D.R.F.R

The “PHARMACY CARE – BEYOND THE PANDEMIC” Conference has taken place online on March 10th, 2021, in duplex system Bucharest – Prague and it has discussed current issues in the pharmaceutical sector, such as: the role of the pharmacy in the pandemic; the innovation and regulation framework in the pharmaceutical sector; the challenges and solutions for solving the lack of medicines issue.

The “PHARMACY CARE – BEYOND THE PANDEMIC” Conference has brought together key players in the medical system and field experts, such as: Daniel Horák, Head of the Executive Committee of the European Federation of Pharmacy Chains (EFPC), Univ. Prof. Dr. Alexandru Rafila, Vicepresident of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania and member of the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization, Roman Prymula, Former Minister of Health in the Czech Republic, epidemiologist and vaccinologist, Zdeněk Blahuta, Executive Director of the European Federation of Pharmacy Chains (EFPC), Dr. Laszlo Attila, Secretary of the Committee on Health of the Romanian Senate, Ján Kyselovič, Former Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Comenius University of Bratislava, Marcin Tomasik, Lawyer, TJSP Law Firm, Poland, Nathalie Moll, General Director of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), Andrej Pardo, Head Cluster II Region Europe at Sandoz, Slovenia, Antal Feller, CEO and member of the Board of Administration of Hungaropharma Zrt.

Alexandru Rafila:“Regarding the role of pharmacists, we should mention that around the world, the pharmacies are working in the front-line of the COVID-19 response, frequently being these healthcare providers that the patients have a first direct contact with. Because the traditional medical consultations were carried out remotely, the community pharmacies remained open to the public throughout the lockdown providing one-on-one access to the pharmacists and advice on medicines and illnesses. The complexity of the diagnosis and treating of the COVID-19 patients in the hospital, post discharge or as an outpatient, requires a multidisciplinary team of experts which includes pharmacists.

In some countries, pharmacists are already playing an important role in the COVID-19 vaccine administration and immunization while the pharmacies have become increasingly involved in rapid testing and supporting the local authorities from different countries by reporting the positive tests.

During the state of emergency period last year, over 5.500 pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants worked on the frontline of the COVID-19 response.

Over 1.250 pharmacies were open daily enabling patients’ access to the necessary medicines. Maybe this influenced the patients in a positive way.

The development of the pharmaceutical services may represent an easy to implement solution in accordance with special epidemiological situations and the social context of patients. For example: the implementation of rapid testing in pharmacies, early diagnosis services.”

Attila Laszlo: “The Law of Vaccination has opened and will soon welcome an opportunity we have considered a few years ago, which is now current – especially extending the number of services offered in pharmacies – first of all, the vaccination.

We have established the legislative framework which will enable us to make such services available in pharmacies, as they have higher accessibility than the medical practices. At the same time, educating and providing the necessary conditions requires a minimum effort and infrastructure. It allows us to extend the categories of professionals who can provide the vaccination.”

A.D.R.F.R. is member of the European Federation of Pharmacy Chains (EFPC – Federația Europeană a Lanțurilor de Farmacii –, a European alliance of the representative associations from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Romania, which represent over 2.5000 pharmacies and 13.7000 specialists.